Honglin (虹霖) Bao

Innovation, AI, and Computational Social Science

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Doctoral student in data science, University of Chicago

Contact: honglinbao at uchicago dot edu

"Science must begin with myths, and with the criticism of myths." - Karl Popper 

Hi there! I am Honglin (he/him). I am a computational social scientist and data science doctoral student in the UChicago Knowledge Lab working with James A. Evans

My papers appear in top peer-reviewed journals and proceedings across computer science, network science, and social sciences including Nature Communications. 

I have backgrounds in mathematics, computer science, social science, and evolutionary biology. Before Chicago I graduated from Michigan State and was a research associate at Harvard Business School (Organizations and Management). I am from Northeast China - Manchuria (东北), and I volunteered for local LGBTQ health for years. My interest in "computing and society" began in high school when I interned at a local university. In my free time, you’ll often find me in the weight room.

I widely collaborate with computational social scientists outside Chicago. Drop me an email if you are interested in working together!